for membership options.
last the numbers drawn were 09,14,17 & 22.
2. Adam & Billy Regan c/o Poff Motors
lace on Sunday Night 09/03/2025 at 9pm in Skelper Quanes Bar lotto can be p=
layed online through the club website online at https=
from any club officer, or at the following outlets:
r Lotto entries in by 7pm, every Sunday night.
unday! See you all there.
demy! Huge numbers of existing families and lots of new faces were welcomed=
to the group. Thanks to all our coaches and parents who joined in the fun.=
We worked on fundamental movements,
fitness, throwing, catching, bouncing, pickups and kicking. Loads of fun g=
ames kept the energy and noise levels up! Keep practicing at home boys and =
girls, we look forward to seeing you all and any new faces next week.
rst day out for smiles and enthusiasm all round! Go St Pats!
They caught up on their ball skills and played some very competitive games.=
Well, done to our U8 who was our player of the week this week. His first w=
eek and he tried very hard.
attendance and a very eager group of girls. We were delighted to see every=
one together again including some new and returning players that we hope fe=
lt very welcome. We done some simple
pairing up drills to help movement and speed with a strong emphasis on hav=
ing fun and building friendships for the year ahead.
eat fun through all their fundamental movement challenges and finished with=
two very competitive games. Hope to see you all next week, keep up the pra=
ctice at home.
ort by all our players improving their skills especially Noah, Flynn, Austi=
n, and Ben. It is important all our players continue to attend our training=
sessions and also keep practicing
the skills at home during the week. Matches will be starting soon. Trainin=
g is on again next Sunday 9th of March from 10am to 11am in The MTU Astro h=
ope to see you all there. Naomh Pa=ECdraig Abu=EC!!
go, we would love to see you. Open to all girls in the Tralee area. Every =
Sunday morning at MTU at 10am.
options. Please support the school by placing a blue token in the Derryqua=
y NS slot. Your support is appreciated!
Reward and chance to win =8050000 for every club who collects at least fif=
ty stamps=92 cards. Follow these three easy steps to show your #SeriousSupp=
ort for your local club. Get Shop and
help support St Pats Blennerville LGFA
March 16th.
unday did not go ahead and will be rescheduled to a later date.
oreen Walsh Strand Road.
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ded solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are address=
ed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author, and do =
not necessarily represent those
of the Association. If you have received this email in error please notify=
the sender. Although the Association scans e-mail and attachments for viru=
ses, it does not guarantee that either are virus-free and accepts no liabil=
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T=E1 an r=EDomhphost seo, chomh maith le ceangalt=E1n ar bith a bhaineann l=
eis, faoi r=FAn agus baineann s=E9 leis an duine n=F3 leis an aon=E1n a bhf=
uil an seoladh seo aige/aici, amh=E1in. Baineann aon tuairim n=F3 bar=FAil =
a nochtar leis an =FAdar amh=E1in agus n=ED g=E1 go mbeadh aon
bhaint ag na tuairim=ED sin le tuairim=ED an Chumainn. M=E1 fuair t=FA an =
r=EDomhphost seo tr=ED bhot=FAn, cuir an duine a chuir chugat =E9 ar an eol=
as le do thoil. C=E9 go nd=E9anann an Cumann scanadh ar r-phoist agus ar ch=
eangalt=E1in le haghaidh v=EDreas, n=EDl aon chinnteacht go
bhfuil ceachtar acu saor =F3 v=EDris. N=ED ghlacann an Cumann le dliteanas=
ar bith i leith aon dam=E1iste a eascra=EDonn as v=EDris.