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St Pats GAA Notes 3 March 2025


St Pats GAA Notes 03/03/2025
Membership 2025
Registration is now open for 2025!
Please visit for membership options.
Club Lotto
There was no winner of this week=92s club lotto of =803100 on Sunday night =
last the numbers drawn were 09,14,17 & 22.
 The five =8030 euro consolation prizes went to:
1.      PJ Higgins Lohercannon

2.      Adam & Billy Regan c/o Poff Motors

3.      John Kelliher Lohercannon
4.      Shaun Daughton Online
5.      Judy Keane Curraheen
Next week=92s Lotto will have a Jackpot of =803200 and the draw will take p=
lace on Sunday Night 09/03/2025 at 9pm in Skelper Quanes Bar lotto can be p=
layed online through the club website online at https=
from any club officer, or at the following outlets:
 O’Shea Shop and Service Station Blennerville
 Poff Motors Dingle Road
 Seamus O’Sullivan Master Butchers Manor
 Noyeks Mile Height
 Skelper Quane
 Keane=92s Of Curraheen
 Betty=92s Bar The Rock Inn
Many Thanks to all who contribute to our weekly club Lotto. Please have you=
r Lotto entries in by 7pm, every Sunday night.
Juvenile Academy
St Pats Juvenile Academy is BACK!!!
From Sunday Mornings at MTU 10am-11am. NEW MEMBERS welcome to join us any S=
unday! See you all there.
Our U6’s got off to a busy start with their energetic and noisy under 6 aca=
demy! Huge numbers of existing families and lots of new faces were welcomed=
to the group. Thanks to all our coaches and parents who joined in the fun.=
We worked on fundamental movements,
fitness, throwing, catching, bouncing, pickups and kicking. Loads of fun g=
ames kept the energy and noise levels up! Keep practicing at home boys and =
girls, we look forward to seeing you all and any new faces next week.
Very well done to our player of the week duo who won the trophy on their fi=
rst day out for smiles and enthusiasm all round! Go St Pats!
U8 Boys
Well done to all our U8’s today, they had excellent numbers and great fun. =
They caught up on their ball skills and played some very competitive games.=
Well, done to our U8 who was our player of the week this week. His first w=
eek and he tried very hard.
U8 Girls/ U10 Girls
It was great to be back at MTU for our first session of 2025 with fantastic=
attendance and a very eager group of girls. We were delighted to see every=
one together again including some new and returning players that we hope fe=
lt very welcome. We done some simple
pairing up drills to help movement and speed with a strong emphasis on hav=
ing fun and building friendships for the year ahead.
U10 Boys
Another great session for our u10 boys. They were full of energy and had gr=
eat fun through all their fundamental movement challenges and finished with=
two very competitive games. Hope to see you all next week, keep up the pra=
ctice at home.
U12 Boys
St Pats U-12’s were training last Sunday on the Astro in the MTU. Great eff=
ort by all our players improving their skills especially Noah, Flynn, Austi=
n, and Ben. It is important all our players continue to attend our training=
sessions and also keep practicing
the skills at home during the week. Matches will be starting soon. Trainin=
g is on again next Sunday 9th of March from 10am to 11am in The MTU Astro h=
ope to see you all there. Naomh Pa=ECdraig Abu=EC!!
Give It A Go
St Pats LGFA are calling all girls to =93Give it a Go=94
Whether you are new to football or would like to return and give it another=
go, we would love to see you. Open to all girls in the Tralee area. Every =
Sunday morning at MTU at 10am.
Derryquay National School
 In Tesco, Manor West, Community Fund Derryquay School are part of the=
options. Please support the school by placing a blue token in the Derryqua=
y NS slot. Your support is appreciated!
Win =8050000 for your Local LGFA Club
The Lidl Plus rewards scheme is return son the 17th of February. Guaranteed=
Reward and chance to win =8050000 for every club who collects at least fif=
ty stamps=92 cards. Follow these three easy steps to show your #SeriousSupp=
ort for your local club. Get Shop and
help support St Pats Blennerville LGFA
Step One Select club you want to support on LIDL Plus.
Step Two Spend over =8050 in store and scan your Lidl Plus App to collect a=
Step Three Collect 4 stamps and submit your completed stamp card by Sunday,=
March 16th.
Our rescheduled second game against Na Gaeil which was to take place last S=
unday did not go ahead and will be rescheduled to a later date.
To Kerry Ladies who won against Mayo at the weekend.
The club would like to extend its sympathy to the families and friends of D=
oreen Walsh Strand Road.

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T=E1 an r=EDomhphost seo, chomh maith le ceangalt=E1n ar bith a bhaineann l=
eis, faoi r=FAn agus baineann s=E9 leis an duine n=F3 leis an aon=E1n a bhf=
uil an seoladh seo aige/aici, amh=E1in. Baineann aon tuairim n=F3 bar=FAil =
a nochtar leis an =FAdar amh=E1in agus n=ED g=E1 go mbeadh aon
bhaint ag na tuairim=ED sin le tuairim=ED an Chumainn. M=E1 fuair t=FA an =
r=EDomhphost seo tr=ED bhot=FAn, cuir an duine a chuir chugat =E9 ar an eol=
as le do thoil. C=E9 go nd=E9anann an Cumann scanadh ar r-phoist agus ar ch=
eangalt=E1in le haghaidh v=EDreas, n=EDl aon chinnteacht go
bhfuil ceachtar acu saor =F3 v=EDris. N=ED ghlacann an Cumann le dliteanas=
ar bith i leith aon dam=E1iste a eascra=EDonn as v=EDris.