P {margin-top:0;margin-bo=
ay 1st June. Whether you are a seasoned hiker or just looking for a new cha=
llenge, this event is perfect for all levels of walker. Do not miss out on =
the opportunity to explore the stunning
scenery of the beautiful and rugged beauty of the northern part of the Din=
gle peninsula with fellow walking enthusiasts. Book now to enjoy a day of w=
alking and talking with friends old and new!
a Pilgrim Route
lgrim Route
https://tinyurl.com/eu929tnw for membership options.
last the numbers drawn were 02,07,20 & 26.
lace on Sunday Night 30/03/2025 at 9pm in Keane=92s of Curraheen lotto can =
be played online through the club website www.stpatsgaaclub.com online at h=
from any club officer, or at the following outlets:
r Lotto entries in by 7pm, every Sunday night.
unday! See you all there.
the MTU. Welcome to more new children joining us. We have great numbers of =
younger boys and girls learning skills of movement and throwing, catching, =
and kicking and lots of 5-year-olds
have already graduated up to the under 8 boys and girls for more match pla=
y and skill development. Keep up all the movements at home to get a good fo=
undation of strength, coordination, and agility for the future. Very well d=
one to Evie and Eanna this week
for earning the player of the week trophies for really improving confidenc=
e and smiles all round!
all the lads and special well done to our player of the week.
ing which we hope everyone enjoyed.!!! We practiced evasion, ball control, =
hand passing and kicking in a variety of drills which the girls proved very=
capable and really impressed their
coaches. Thank you to the parents for your support and keep encouragi=
ng them at home as the evenings lengthen with a bit of kicking or hand pass=
worked on hand passing games. Finished with two very competitive games. Tha=
nks to our coaches James, Eddie, Noel and Anthony
ort by all our players improving their skills of tackling and scoring espec=
ially Paddy, Austin, and Jack. It is important all our players continue to =
attend our training sessions and
keep practicing the skills at home during the week. Matches will be starti=
ng Sunday 6th of April. Training is on again next Sunday 30th of March from=
10am to 11am in The MTU Astro hope to see you all there. Naomh P=E1draig A=
go, we would love to see you. Open to all girls in the Tralee area. Every =
Sunday morning at MTU at 10am.
knagoshel is now rescheduled to take place next Saturday 29th of March=
at 5pm in Blennerville.
ocal outlets O=92Shea=92s Gala, Clubhouse Window and Skelper Quanes for cha=
against Kenmare on last Wednesday 19th of March. They are now in the Final =
against St Brendan=92s Killarney.
kes place on Sunday 30th of March in Croke Park, Time to be confirmed.=
a Kerins Mile Height & Annagh, Margaret Cahill Spa Road and Jackie O=92=
Sullivan Balloonagh Estate.
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ed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author, and do =
not necessarily represent those
of the Association. If you have received this email in error please notify=
the sender. Although the Association scans e-mail and attachments for viru=
ses, it does not guarantee that either are virus-free and accepts no liabil=
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T=E1 an r=EDomhphost seo, chomh maith le ceangalt=E1n ar bith a bhaineann l=
eis, faoi r=FAn agus baineann s=E9 leis an duine n=F3 leis an aon=E1n a bhf=
uil an seoladh seo aige/aici, amh=E1in. Baineann aon tuairim n=F3 bar=FAil =
a nochtar leis an =FAdar amh=E1in agus n=ED g=E1 go mbeadh aon
bhaint ag na tuairim=ED sin le tuairim=ED an Chumainn. M=E1 fuair t=FA an =
r=EDomhphost seo tr=ED bhot=FAn, cuir an duine a chuir chugat =E9 ar an eol=
as le do thoil. C=E9 go nd=E9anann an Cumann scanadh ar r-phoist agus ar ch=
eangalt=E1in le haghaidh v=EDreas, n=EDl aon chinnteacht go
bhfuil ceachtar acu saor =F3 v=EDris. N=ED ghlacann an Cumann le dliteanas=
ar bith i leith aon dam=E1iste a eascra=EDonn as v=EDris.