P {margin-top:0;margin-bo=
ay 1st June. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or just looking for a new chal=
lenge, this event is perfect for all levels of walker. Don’t miss out on th=
e opportunity to explore the stunning
scenery of the beautiful and rugged beauty of the northern part of the Din=
gle peninsula with fellow walking enthusiasts. Book now to enjoy a day of w=
alking and talking with friends old and new!
a Pilgrim Route
lgrim Route
https://tinyurl.com/eu929tnw for membership options.
last the numbers drawn were 07,14,16 & 28.
lace on Sunday Night 16/03/2025 at 9pm in Keane=92s of Curraheen lotto can =
be played online through the club website www.stpatsgaaclub.com online at h=
from any club officer, or at the following outlets:
r Lotto entries in by 7pm, every Sunday night.
unday! See you all there.
to our mentor U14 girls Grace and Ailbhe for helping all the coaches keep =
the energy up! We worked on movement skills, kicking, throwing, and catchin=
g with plenty of evasion and changing
direction games to increase agility. Very well done to Ailbhe and Brody ou=
r players of the week for lots of fun and enthusiasm today. Keep up the pra=
ctice at home boys and girls.
ek back, the lads are really getting to grips with the core skills. Special=
mention to Taylor who was our player of the week.
nd enthusiasm.
and evasion in a selection of drills – we hope they had fun! See you all a=
gain next week.
eat fun through all their fundamental movement challenges and finished with=
two very competitive games.
ort by all our players improving their skills of kicking points especially =
Jack, Paddy, Austin and Fionn. It is important all our players continue to =
attend our training sessions and
also keep practicing the skills at home during the week. Matches will be s=
tarting soon. Training is on again next Sunday 16th of March from 10am to 1=
1am in The MTU Astro hope to see you all there. Naomh P=E1draig Ab=FA!!
go, we would love to see you. Open to all girls in the Tralee area. Every =
Sunday morning at MTU at 10am.
options. Please support the school by placing a blue token in the Derryqua=
y NS slot. Your support is appreciated!
Reward and chance to win =8050000 for every club who collects at least fif=
ty stamps=92 cards. Follow these three easy steps to show your #SeriousSupp=
ort for your local club. Get Shop and
help support St Pats Blennerville LGFA
March 16th.
against Moyvane next Sunday 16th of March at 2pm in Moyvane. Please be=
aware that fixtures may change, keep an eye on social media and local outl=
ets O=92Shea=92s Gala, Clubhouse Window and
Skelper Quanes for changes.
p;of March at 5.30pm in Austin Stacks Park. This game will be shown on RTE2=
beginning at 5pm.
nila Mucaj Mounthawk, Liam Brassil Caherwisheen, Eamon Maguire Racecourse R=
oad and Declan Moriarty Gorey Co. Wexford and Curraheen
away on Monday last. Declan played with St Pats in his youth and coached m=
any juvenile teams before moving to the Wicklow/Wexford areas.
ord saw a huge attendance pay their last respects to the jovial character t=
hat Declan was, and he will be fondly remembered by his friends. To the ext=
ended Moriarty family and Declan=92s wide
circle of friends St Pats extends its sincere sympathies. At Dheis De go r=
aibh a anam dilis
This email and any associated attachments are confidential and inten=
ded solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are address=
ed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author, and do =
not necessarily represent those
of the Association. If you have received this email in error please notify=
the sender. Although the Association scans e-mail and attachments for viru=
ses, it does not guarantee that either are virus-free and accepts no liabil=
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T=E1 an r=EDomhphost seo, chomh maith le ceangalt=E1n ar bith a bhaineann l=
eis, faoi r=FAn agus baineann s=E9 leis an duine n=F3 leis an aon=E1n a bhf=
uil an seoladh seo aige/aici, amh=E1in. Baineann aon tuairim n=F3 bar=FAil =
a nochtar leis an =FAdar amh=E1in agus n=ED g=E1 go mbeadh aon
bhaint ag na tuairim=ED sin le tuairim=ED an Chumainn. M=E1 fuair t=FA an =
r=EDomhphost seo tr=ED bhot=FAn, cuir an duine a chuir chugat =E9 ar an eol=
as le do thoil. C=E9 go nd=E9anann an Cumann scanadh ar r-phoist agus ar ch=
eangalt=E1in le haghaidh v=EDreas, n=EDl aon chinnteacht go
bhfuil ceachtar acu saor =F3 v=EDris. N=ED ghlacann an Cumann le dliteanas=
ar bith i leith aon dam=E1iste a eascra=EDonn as v=EDris.